Improving the experience for people with access requirements

  • 25 February, 2025
  • On the pier

Clacton Pier is teaming up with a national organisation in a bid to significantly improve the experience for visitors with access requirements.

The attraction has joined forces with Nimbus Disability which provides customers with their own personalised access pass or card.

It works as a disability passport and takes away the need to provide documents, details of the individual needs of the visitor, and those issued with a plus one symbol will be eligible for free essential companion tickets, each time they go to the pier.

Under the ‘one stop shop’ scheme, the digital access pass is free and lasts for three years once the initial relevant evidence has been provided to Nimbus for verification.

Pier General Manager Harry Peek said it is an exciting development which is good for both our visitors and our team.


“The aim is to produce a fully consistent method of communication between our customers and our staff which simplifies the process for both of us and removes stress on both sides,” he added.

“Nimbus Disability is run by and for disabled people and is recognised as the leading authority on accessible ticketing in the UK. We are delighted to be able to link up with them.

“By people going via Nimbus, access requirements will be validated by the real experts. The scheme, which won a Queen’s Award for Innovation, is already in use by other theme parks such as Alton Towers to good effect.”

Mr Peek explained that existing operating restrictions and safety regulations will still apply on all the rides.

“We recognise we cannot remove all the barriers faced by people who are disabled, however we are striving to do the very best we can,” he said. “But visitor safety always has to be our priority.”

The digital access pass will be specific to the pier, granted by Nimbus and the person will receive a digital number if they qualify based on criteria set out in the Equality Act.

Alternatively, a full access card can be bought for £15 and that would be a universal way to convey access requirements to thousands of organisations, venues, events and ticketing in the UK and beyond.

The pass and card have a name, unique ID number, photograph of the holder and expiry date along with symbols identifying the holder’s needs.

To apply for a pass or card go to https://app.accesscard.online/apply/clactonpier/  after March 1.

Current pier annual pass holders with access requirements need to register with Nimbus.

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